Monday 28 February 2011

Monday 28th February - Editing

Today we have successfully finished editing the second scene of our thriller opening so all that is left to do now is film and edit the first scene.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Monday 14th Febuary

We signed out of the college and was absent from the lesson in order to film at least some of our thriller opening.

The equipment we took out from the media department include;
- 2 Lighting Kits + Tripods
- 1 HD Camera + Tripod

This was to make sure that we had enough light for when we started filming, and so that the natural lighting would not get in the way - as well as so the audience would not be aware of the passage of time during the filming.

Although we did not complete filming overall, we did manage to complete all filming requirements for Scene 2 - The establishing scene.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Synopsis - Ollie

On a dark evening, a man is walking an unconscious body down a mysterious field towards a bridge where a spade lay sticking out of the ground. But how did this happen? Who are these people? The film documents the situations of a woman with two deranged ex-boyfriends after her, one is a homicidal maniac, and the other just can't detach himself from her. An absolute recipe for disaster.

Sound Ideas - By Rasmus

For sound we have been looking at Garageband for suitable music.

So far we have found 4 sounds we feel work well with the style of our piece:
Ambient Noise 17
High Dissonance
Beautiful Tension Long
Disoriented Again Long

These are all the ideas for the first scene, whereby the action happens. This is because we've already partly decided on the sounds for scene 2, which would be diegetic sound from a radio within a room.

For the most-part, sounds for the second scene will not be a problem as it is a steady scene - which contrasts to our first scene, which needs to have the right atmosphere in order to keep the audience entertained and wanting more. To this end, the samples above were chosen, but we have more ideas such as faint heart-beat sounds, or heavy breathing, which we might record ourselves if Garageband does not contain such material.

Monday 7 February 2011

List of Props

List of props that need to be brought specially for filming that are not already found at the locations.

Props needed for first scene:
Large torch
Fake Blood
Hockey Mask

 For second scene most of the props are already situated in the location as it is being filmed in an actual living room.
props specifically needed:

Alea Holland

Health & Safety

1st Location Risk Assessment:
Torches and coats must be brought along because it will be cold and quite dark when we film at this location.
There is a possibility that someone could slip on some mud or trip on a hole in the field so correct footwear must be worn and we must be careful when walking.
We do not need permission to film in this location because it is a public place.

2nd Location Risk Assessment:
There is a large step into my house that everyone will need to be aware of so that no one will trip on it.
Caution must be taken when lights are turned on and off to avoid injury to eyes so the 'lights on' 'lights off' procedure must be followed.
There is a risk of somebody being hit by a car in the street leading up to the house so everyone must be careful and very wary of cars when filming outside but very few cars come down here as it is a close.
Care must be taken inside the house because there are a lot of glass and china ornaments so everyone must be careful not to knock any over.
We need written permission from my dad to film here which i will get later and post on here.

By Ollie Newson

Lighting Decisions - Rasmus Klingstroem

As we'd be filming the first scene within a very dark public field, we'd need appropriate lighting to ensure that the audience would know where we're filming, and why we're filming there.
As it is a thriller opening the audience must be confused, but know the basics of what is happening within the scene. For this scene, we'd need; torches (for props and so we are aware of what's happening), Tripod lighting (in case torches are not enough), small LED lights (to make sure we are not lacking in lighting at all).

The second scene shouldn't have too many problems in terms of lighting, instead there will be problems with the white balance, and the realism within the scenes. Thus it will be determined on-site whether we'd need to use the big tripod lighting, or use natural lighting.

The third scene, whereby the character is walking outside, shouldn't need any additional lighting other than natural lights as it would be filmed outside, and the use of tripods could ruin the realism (unless it's a very dark day).

Thursday 3 February 2011

Planning Progress

We have continued to work on the storyboard, and I have explained what the inside of the house looks like to Alea so that she can draw it, and we have nearly finished it.

By Ollie Newson

Script for Film

Scene 1

Over the shoulder – POV – shot.

Victim is carried through the field, breathing heavily.
Able to see victim’s limbs.

Grunting as victim is thrown onto the floor.

Antagonist tends to the rope as victim tries to crawl away (victim occasionally looks back at antagonist)


Scene 2

Close-up on Radio (happy music playing)
Pan to rest of the room (establishing shot)
Focuses (mid shot) on character picking up mobile phone
Close-Up of character reading text
Over-The-Shoulder shot focusing on phone
Extreme Close-Up to see text message
Close-Up of character texting (phone in shot)
Extreme Close-Up to see text message
Character finds and puts on coat/jacket (Track Character up to door (key rack))
Close-Up of character walking past and taking keys (camera pointing at key rack)
Character leaves house
Long shot of character leaving house, and walking down street
Pans with character TURNING into an Over-The-Shoulder-Shot
