Monday 7 February 2011

Health & Safety

1st Location Risk Assessment:
Torches and coats must be brought along because it will be cold and quite dark when we film at this location.
There is a possibility that someone could slip on some mud or trip on a hole in the field so correct footwear must be worn and we must be careful when walking.
We do not need permission to film in this location because it is a public place.

2nd Location Risk Assessment:
There is a large step into my house that everyone will need to be aware of so that no one will trip on it.
Caution must be taken when lights are turned on and off to avoid injury to eyes so the 'lights on' 'lights off' procedure must be followed.
There is a risk of somebody being hit by a car in the street leading up to the house so everyone must be careful and very wary of cars when filming outside but very few cars come down here as it is a close.
Care must be taken inside the house because there are a lot of glass and china ornaments so everyone must be careful not to knock any over.
We need written permission from my dad to film here which i will get later and post on here.

By Ollie Newson

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