Thursday 27 January 2011

180 Degree Rule

The 180 degree rule, one of the most basic of principles when it comes to making a film.
This rule was followed constantly throughout our production - as shown by our film throughout, most notably when the "Runner" was moving towards his destination. Although we could've used other shots to help portray his point of view, such as POV shots - we instead kept to more traditional shots which had to follow the 180 degree rule.
Although we did take the rule seriously, we did consider the possibilities of breaking it, or, as we did, bending it.
Later in the prelim film, we did deliberately bend the rules when it came to filming the 180 degree rule - as shown we pan the camera from left to right in the viewer's eyes which, bends the 180 degree rule, but does not break it!
We wanted a shot showing all the characters and the door, which wouldn't have been possible if strictly sticking within the 180 degree rule.
This is a diagram which clearly shows what is meant by the 180 degree rule, although it can be broken, or indeed bent to either invoke feeling from the audience, or to set up for a later scene.

By Rasmus Klingstroem

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