Monday 31 January 2011

Ollie Newson - Thriller openings

1. The disappearance of Alice Creed.

Camera work and MES
There was a lot of camerawork present to create the very good effect that the opening to this thriller did. One of these things was lots of close up shots. These were used effectively so that we could see their facial expressions very well and we can see that they are quite nervous but confident at the same time. Furthermore, the many close ups used are so that the audience does not get the full picture, and so that it is open to interpretation. More over, slit framing was put to good use when one of the men is removing the numberplate from the van, and do this really adds to the mysterious tone of the opening. There was also a lot of good aspects of mise en scene used in this piece to create the effect it did. Everything, especially the room, has very dark lighting, and so this makes the audience think think that the characters are up to no good, and gives out a negative mood. This point is further strengthened when they are replacing nice things in the room with nothing or worse things.

Editing and sound
The editing in this piece uses very fast paced cuts that really make the audience think that something crucial is going to happen and the soundtrack really helps match this because the music is very fast and tension building. Also, the the is a lot of diegetic sound used to things like drills and the squeak of a wheel to add emphasis and build up tension.

2. Jaws.

Camerawork and MES
In the camerawork area, medium shots were used very often which is good because it is important for the audience to see what is going on in the scene. Furthermore, low angle POV shots were used to display the perspective of the shark which really adds to the realism of the opening. Mise en scene was used very well to document the opening scene to the film. Firstly, the scene took place in the sea which is very important because that is where the rest of the film took place. Secondly, the lighting was very dark, which created an effect of eeriness, and portrays the rest of the film very well.

Editing and sound
Standard wipes were used to document the fast paced action of this film well. The sound matches the editing well because it is very dramatic and builds up to a fast paced action level to match the editing.

3. Phone booth.

Camerawork and MES
In the camerawork side of things, there is lots of fast paced panning backwards and forwards used because it is essential because it matches the mood and sound of the film which is fast and tension building. Mise en scene involved is lots of long telephone wires which is important because they are very relevant to the film. Furthermore, Drawings of big city buildings fly onto view which is good because the film took place in a city.

Editing and sound 
Editing is used to make the names of actors and actresses in the film glide into view and there is diegetic sound used when this happens to create the fast paced and tension filled mood of the film. Furthermore, dramatic parallel music is included to accurately match the feel of the film.

4. Disturbia.

Camerawork and MES
The camerawork in this uses lots of close ups and medium shots at eye level angle to show the emotions on the characters faces and their body language very well. There are lots of interesting aspects of mise en scene used too. To start, the scene is in a house which is important because the movie was mostly shot in the same place. Also, binoculars were shown which is essential to notice because they were used many times in the movie which is important because it gives the audience a clue as to what goes on in the movie.

Editing and sound
Slow transitions were used between many of the shots which is good because it builds up the tension in the movie before it really starts. The only sound in the opening is music which is parallel to the opening and so it flows very well and builds up a sense of mystery in the piece and there is no diegetic sound.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Oli but there are only 4 here can you add the fifth and think about a greater use of media language, what about narrative and mood. More detail needed. Same with the evaluation what were you responsible for can you add any still link to illustrate what you did?
