Friday 28 January 2011

Prelim Evaluation - Rasmus Klingstroem

Location Scout
As there was a lot of filming which had to be completed in a very short amount of time before we broke up for the Christmas holidays, I decided to look around the college grounds to places to film which were not going to be disturbed by either students or teachers - such as the music rooms, the top floor business rooms at the end of the day / lunchtimes. There were also other factors I had to take into account such as the possible camera angles we could and could not achieve within these rooms, the lighting problems for the white balancing as well as the timeframe we would have to work around within these rooms.
Many of the possible locations would've worked really well, others would've worked horribly due to the lack of space, the lack of time, or the amount of background noise due to other students.
Some of the locations which I considered are on the blog in a post below.

This would be why I mainly chose a path and room which wouldn't really be affected by the background noise of the students around, and if it was, it would be editted out during the editing phase of the production. However I did not expect the amount of noise from the outside during the very short dialogue scene to be that intense - to the extent that it was extremely clear to the viewers of the film, and couldn't be edited out because of the dialogue within these scenes.

Casting Director - Group Effort
Due ot the fact that we were in such a small group, it would seem unfair to give an extra task to another group member, which is why we decided to pull our knowledge together when it came to the Casting Director role of the production.
Although this was a fairly minor role, it had to be discussed between the group members, as to whether we'd want to act ourselves or gather some of our friends to do it for us. We did choose to act ourselves from the very start as it was far quicker and easier than gathering more people and relying on them turning up to the filming when we had a very limited amount of time.

From the very start of the story boarding, i've been considering, and debating with myself over which props would be used, as there would have to be some props, even if it is only minor, such as a suit jacket or sunglasses.
After we had the main plot of the story done, and the story boarding done, we had mainly decided on which props would be taken which would require me to bring a suit jacket into college. Although this was not as major a task as Alea, whom had to bring a lot of props as it was more convenient due to the fact she had a lot of cool props which would work really well in the film.

Finished Film
I believe the film was successful in fulfilling all the criterias required such as the 180 degree rule, continuity, and keeping the while balance as best we could. All of these things helped to create realism within our prelim task, although it could've been far better in both the editing as well as the locations.
The editing used at the start of the film was perfect, and created exactly the feeling we were aiming for, which was confusing in the audience as to why the character is running, and the slow motion effect was to help the audience with the establishing shot so they'd get a good idea of where this took place.

Although we did have to cut back some of the footage we had as it needed to be around 1 minute long, and we had 2 minutes and 30 seconds worth of film - the vast majority of the running was removed and the initial scene just prior to the dialogue was cut severely.

Overall I do believe our prelim turned out fairly well, which was helped a lot by the amount of time we spent debating on the linear order of the scenes, as well as the editing. We definitely spent enough time making sure everything was edited well and taken through garage-band in order to sharpen up certain moments of the prelim task.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Rasmus I thought I had posted a reply. Well written and detailed although a greater use of media language would help as would some stills from the piece to illustrate what you have done
