Saturday 29 January 2011

Preliminary Evaluation - Alea Holland

My area during the preliminary was directing and was mainly in charge of setting up the shots with the required elements of the 108 degree rule, shot/reverse shot and match in action and character blocking along with planning them using the storyboards which i was also chosen to do. During the course of filming this role was actually spread out in the group with everyone putting forward ideas of how we could couls shoot it which allowed elements of everyones ideas to be used in the film.

Rasmus was chosen as the location scout during this exercise to find suitable ares around the college that wouldnt be disturbed during filming and would fit well with the style of our story. The locations that were decided apon worked quite well as it fitted the style, allowed for experimenting with certain ways of filming and for the main dialouge scene we didnt have to avoid other students. However some complications did arise with the locations effecting the white balance on the camera causing us some problems and using certain locations caused comunication problems when filming with the camera looking at the character outside through a window so some shots were time consuming. Also we did not account for the noise level of other students in the college that can be easily heard in the film but could not be removed due to having diolouge in the scene.

Casting and use of Mise en Scene
As a group we had deliberated on getting other people to act in our pice but due to the time in which we had to film it we thought it would be best if we acted in it ourselves to complicate things less. It also meant we didnt have to rely on other people to turn up for the filming and could organise ourselves easily. Each member of the group had the responsibility for bringing thier own costumes for the characters each time we filmed to keep continuity the same and also add some realism to the characters. With my character of a bodyguard being dressed in black clothing, which is a traditional of villains, witha black coat as well as sunglasses and a skull mask to hide my characters identity and give an aspect of mystery and menace. Ollie was given the responsibility for sourcing the props and deciding what we needed to use however i managed to find some props that we could could put to good use and also add a small element of comic relief in our film. In addition we did expreiment with using lighting in the dialouge scene but due to the light levels already in the room it made very little difference on the camera so inseted used the natural light which turned out to work quite well in the final product.

In editing all the group were present and got a say in how it should be editied together with ideas such as putting the opening running shots in black and white  black and white  with people throwing in some ideas to try to add to the scene a bit more which all worked well in the end.

Altogether i think that the preliminary went rather well with all the group working together with the filming and editing and we tried to expreiment with differnt camera techniques that bent the 108 degree rule and allowed us to use different angles. However there were some problems with the production that could have been improved suh as the white balance and other aspects, some which were out of are contorl, but altogether i think it worked quite well.

1 comment:

  1. Well done some good analysis here. Which area were you responsible for in this I see Oli and Rasmus have made seperate posts what was your area?
    Good use of terms though and you clearly learnt from the process
